GeotargetingWP Changelog

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* Improved menu support on multiple themes

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* Added support for Menus in the new Twenty themes

* Fixed some PHP 8 incompatibilities

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* Fix compatibility with Wpbeaver new columns

* Fix issue when using query string and anchor in url for redirects in ajax mode

* Fix issue with results loading from cache when using geotdebug

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* Fixed object cache not storing empty results, making unnecessary sql calls

* Fixed html tag for ajax placeholder shortcode

* Fixed error with Elementor geo when copying modules

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* Fixed compatibility with WP Popups geo fields

* Fixed issue with database update keeps appearing on new installs

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* Minor bugfixes

* Maxmind plugin update compatibility

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* Added WpRocket Ips to exclusion

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* Fixed bug where not all pages where showing on new ajax dropdown for rules

* Fixed bug with redirects not working when iso codes entered in lowercase

* Fixed bug with ajax mode not working on archives pages on certain ocassions

* Fixed imcompatibily issue with multiple select in ACF plugin

= 3.5.1 =

* Added Elementor's containers support

* Fixed Elementors Icons

* Added a searchable field for posts/pages in rules to improve performance on sites with thousands of posts

* Added hook to bypass geotargeting

* Fixed some PHP8.2 compatibility issues

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* Update list of crawlers with latest additions including amazon health check

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* Fixed small bug introduced on 3.5 for redirects on 404 pages

= 3.5 =

* Geolinks search source urls in admin

* Added Stats to redirects

* Improved performance and reduced sql queries

* Fixed minor errors

* New dev filters

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* Fixed trailing slash on Geolinks

* Fixed some PHP undefined errors

* Fixed passing original querystring on geolinks

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* Multiple country dropdown support

* New Microsoft Azure IPs added to bots list

* Minor bugfixes

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* Rewrote DIVI integration to try improve performance

* Singular Posts/pages in ajax mode are now hidden but default instead of removed

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* Reverted quickfix for DIVI as it was generating issues on some users

* Divi version 4.19.1 ( updated 11-17-2022 ) fix performance issues

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* Quick Fix for DIVI performance issues
= 3.4.2 =

* Fix problem with checking license screen

* Fix issue with dropdown shortcode and flags

* Fix issue with weglot translation of ajax redirects

* Fix with divi builder not working on certain hosts

* Added multiple dev filters

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* Filter all local private IP

* Fixed old version of Elementor error

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* Fixed litespeed cache integration

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* Fixed GeoLinks Importer

* Fixed redirect splash screen showing white

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* Fixed query string not being passed in the redirects bug

* Fixed woocommerce ajax not being detected on certain occasions

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* Fixed typo in function originating PHP error

* Fixed undefined error on ACFv5

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* Fixed redirect check for final url when using dynamic shortcodes

* Fixed javascript undefined error

* Fixed redirect one per session when object cache is present

* Rest api calls fixed

* Removed wizard data sharing

* Warning emails now every 12 hours instead of 3

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* Improved Elementor updater script

* Fixed PHP8 compatibility issues

* Added Vatican country name to list

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* Fix with geolinks and referrer

* Fix with target radius sometimes using ip radius instead of html5

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* Fix with some sites getting invalid subscription email

* Added Translatepress support to geo rules

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* Bug fix on core function

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* Fix with multiple regions not working in dropdown shortcode

* Feature: Add/disable cloakign in geolinks

* Fix with elementor failing to load modules

* Enable cookie creation without wprocket mode

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* Fix with gutemberg states

* Feature: added new gutemberg block to multi target

* Changed geo links shortcodes to noreferrer nofollow by default

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* Fix with gutemberg regions

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* Fix: Divi specialty and fullwidth sections

* Fix: Gutemberg Show blocks not working

* Fix: WpRocket integration refresh everytime settings are saved

* Fix: Multiple region support in country dropdown widget shortcode

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* Fix in geoblocker that was blocking users when it shouldn't

* minor bugfixes of undefined warnings

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* Added new dev filters

* Fixed update class missing

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* Elementor fix

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* Fix upgrade routine

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* Fixed problem with the updater on certain hostings

* Fixed css issue

* Fixed issue with ajax mode hiding text in product pages

* Added support for Elementor sections templates

= 3.4 =

* Feature: Added opcache support to increase performance and save requests

* Feature: Added global rules to geo redirects to avoid repetition

* Cleaned all builders with less fields

* Css minified

* Fix: Added workaround for Divi country regions bug

* Fix: query string and hashcode removal for url matching in rules

* Feature: Remove post checks in AJAX mode to save requests

* Feature: WpRocket integration without cache mode

* Fix: Fixed bug with categories not showing in admin

* Fix: Regions missing from States in builder

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* Fix: core function not being cached, adding seconds to load

* Fix: states regions not working on menus

* Fix: HTML geolocation only enable on needed pages

* Fix: query string in url breaking custom url rules

= 3.3.8 =

* Fix: Removed guzzle library in favor of wp native functions for better compatibility

* Feature: Added full location info for fallback and crawlers

* PHP minimum requirement it's 7.2.5

* Fix get data from IP php function

* Fix compatibility with WP5.8 and minor bugfixes


* Added Gtranslate ips to automatic exclusion list

* Added megamenu fix where parent items where not being hide in AJAX mode

* Added automatic detection of pantheon host

= 3.3.7 - June 17 2021 =

* Fix: Geoblocker not excluding search engines

* Fix: Media block elements not loading in ajax mode

* Fix: Date time rules not working on some hosting environments

* Fix: PHP 8 compatibility errors

* Feature: Pantheon hosting cache by country support (beta)

= 3.3.6 - May 4 2021 =

* Feature: Added miles or km for radius

* Feature: Changed geolocation overlay popup and made it translatable

* Feature: Hashcode now passed with redirections along with query string

* Feature: Added new time/date rules

* Fix: WPML automatic translation on root pages

* Fix: Geoblocker not working on some environments

= - March 20 2021 =

* HOTFIX for bug with ipv6 addresses, some address still fails in

= - March 20 2021 =

* HOTFIX for bug with ipv6 addresses introduced on previous version

= - March 19 2021 =

* Fix: Ajax mode replace %id script for multiple classes in remove_class hook

* Fix: WPML changed to full resolution mode for slug translation in categories

* Feature: Added geo mode to geot radius shortcodes and elementor radius feature

* Fix: Country dropdown also update wprocket cookie now

* Fix: Limit composer php version

* Fix: Some server where returning port on IP address making it fail

* Fix: Missing regions in php ajax functions

= 3.3.5 - March 5 2021 =

* Fix: Woocommerce buy button issue with cache and ajax mode

* Feature: Radius geo mode to select include or exclude

* Fix: Session starting when it shouldn't with session redirects

* Fix: Changed geolinks export structure

= - Jan 19 2021 =

* Fix: Issue with some redirects not working when used page rules

* Fix: Taxonomy rules not working on archives pages

= 3.3.3 - Jan 12 2021 =

* Feature: Import/Export geo links for bulk edit

* Fix: Issue with Gutemberg cities and zip blocks

* Fix: Issue with taxonomy geotargeting with WPML active

* Feature: Dev hooks for replace/hide custom HTML in AJAX mode

= 3.3.2 - Dec 28 2020 =

* Feature: Hooks to add custom classes for AJAX mode

* Fix: Ajax mode not running when only geo posts are being used

* Fix: Woocommerce short description is now also removed

* Fix: Compatibility with price per country plugin

* Fix: Taxonomy geolocation now applied on every page and not just archives ones

* Fix: Redirects check session and cookies before other rules to save resources

* Fix: Fusion builder regions with ajax mode

= 3.3.1 - Nov 26 2020 =

* Feature: Redirect message can be easily changed from the settings page

* Feature: Browser language in rules for redirects

* Fix: With Elementor builder when custom regions where deleter

* Minor bugfixes and dev hooks added

= 3.3 - Nov 12 2020 =

* Fix: State regions shortcodes

* Fix: Page check disabled for redirects. It can be enabled on demand

* Fix: Added missing regions in ACF api v4 a v5

* Feature: Zip code can be wide matched as 456*

* Feature: WP Popups compatibility

= - Nov 3 2020 =

* Added Polylang support for automatic translation

* Fix bug in disable url check introduced in

= - Nov 2 2020 =

* Add filter to disable url check in geo redirects and disabled in MU

* Fix: Megamenu compatibility issue

* Whitelist Jetpack Ips to save requests

= 3.2.3 - October 23 2020 =

* Devs: Add filter to disable crawl detection

* Fix: Disable WpRocket cookies when cache mode it's disabled

* Fix: WpBakery frontend editor not showing geolocated modules

* Fix: With Query string and WPML redirects
* Fix: Redirect message filter

* Feature: Check if page exists before redirect

= 3.2.2 - September 14 2020 =

* Fixed issue with Fusion Core > v5 and builder >v3

* Regions shortcode now return all regions and not just countries

* Fixed issue with Maxmin local database and PHP < 7.2

* Fixed issue with flatsome builder

= 3.2.1 - September 14 2020 =

* Fix issue with Fusion builder

* Fix issue with Geo Links States

* Added compatibility with Elementor popups

= - September 5 2020 =

* Fix issue with ajax and states

= 3.2 - September 2 2020 =

* Fixed WP v < 4.4 issue

* Fixed menu items with certain themes that duplicate menus

* Fixed bug with city regions first click

* Feature: New cities can be added to city regions

* Feature: Labels added to Geolinks destinations

* Feature: WPML Auto translation of slugs in redirects

* Feature: Ajax mode use local storage for redirects session

* Feature: State regions added

* Feature: Added radius in missing places

= - August 9 2020 =

* Fixed widget bug introduced on previous version

= - August 7 2020 =

* Fix AJAX mode redirects

* Fix AJAX mode widgets

* Added fix for ubermenu compatibility

= 3.1 - August 4 2020 =

* Added GPS geolocation based on HTML5

* Fix Divi builder city regions

= - July 1 2020 =

* Fixed bug with shortcodes that will consume requests in backend

* Fixed bug for custom ajax calls and geotargeting, that could lead in caching issues

* Fixed bug with Woocommerce not removing products in cart

= - June 29 2020 =
* Fix issue with taxonomies that was hiding pages/products when it shouldn't

* Fix with menu items in AJAX mode

= 3.0.7 - June 16 2020 =

* Fix bug where ipv6 were being flagged as bots

* Fix: Ajax mode won't execute shortcodes or spend requests in visual builders

* Fix bug with taxonomies settings not saving

* Fix bug with Fusion builder and ajax

* Fix bug show with ajax mode on certain widgets

= 3.0.6 - June 6 2020 =

* New Feature: Radius filtering for posts and shortcodes

* New Feature: Widgets now supported in AJAX mode

* New Feature: Added IPs to be blocked automatically and save requests

* Fix: Dropdown shortcodes with ajax mode

* Fix: Menu geotargeting in old WP versions

* Fix: Menu and widget in ajax mode hides by default now

* Fix: Regions fields display issue in Elementor

= 3.0.5 - April 28 2020 =
* WooCommerce geolocation is optional now and not forced like previous version

* Fix Geolinks, slug will remail always at root level

* Added WP 5.4 Menu custom fields instead of replacing walker. Better compatibility with other plugins

* Fixed Elementor bug in regions fields

* Fixed Error with hosting db not resolving or giving critical error

* Added new settings for Geo Redirects to remove iso codes and exclude child pages from redirects

= 3.0.4 - April 14 2020 =

* Feature: Woocommerce geolocate it's done in GeotargetingWP now.

* Fix: Zip regions slugs

* Fix: Geo Redirects - We now remove country code from dynamic urls automatically to avoid redirect loops

* Fix: Addons got deactivated on plugin deactivation

* Fix: Flatsometheme builder compatibility

* Fix: Elementor columns geotargeting fix

* Fix: Removed Kinsta/WpEngine/Litespeed settings for a generic Hosting db setting

= - March 16 2020=

* Fix: Guzzle Host must be a string error introduced with last update

* Fix: More Wpbeaver fixes

= - March 9 2020=

* Fix: issue where sessions cookies where not being created

* Fix: Wpbeaver errors

* Fix: Guzzle library giving errors on certain PHP + 7.2

= - March 5 2020=

* Performance: Added WPRocket htaccess compatibility for countries

* Performance: Improved ajax mode speed 30%

* Fix: Wpbeaver undefined errors

= - Feb 1 2020=

* Feature: rules now support IP Blocks

* Feature: Anonymous data usage

* Feature: Dev filter to change redirect message

* Fix: problem with the session starting when it should not

* Fix: zip regions in ajax mode not working

* Fix: Fusion builder error

* Fix: Exclude zip in shortcode generator

* Fix: Error when woo cart is not set

= 3.0.3 =

* Added zip regions

* Added Avada fusion builder support

* disable sessions in admin area

* Added new rule to match IPs

* Recoded public js to make methods accesible for devs

* State city and zip can be separated by comma to add multiple values

* Updated Session library (clean old sessions issue)

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* Fixed issue with geo taxonomies

* Validate ip to save request with invalid ones

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* Fixed issue with page builders because redirects

* Removed .git folder for users that use GIT to upload plugins

* Fixed issue with countries not showing in Popups plugin

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* Fixed relative urls not working in redirects

* Fixed divi estetic icon

* Beaver Builder ultimate addon compatibility fix

* FixedPredefined regions not showing in rules

= 3.0.2 =

* Added Beaver builder support

* Fixed issue with debug mode that consumed extra requests

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* Fixed issue with DIVI

* Fixed undefined error message appearing in logs

* Fixed bug with predefined regions being duplicated

= 3.0.1 =

* Fixed issue with ajax running when turned off

* Weglot compatibility

* Added exclude ip range support

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* Hotfix for menu, dropdown widget and widgets


* First version with all plugins bundled

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