Geo Redirect for WordPress

The simplest way to redirect users based on geolocation on WordPress

Check out features

Geo Redirect lets you redirect users to different parts of your site or another website based on their geolocation. You can also factor in other conditions such as a user's logged-in status, device, referring URL, and more. No coding required!

Quickly Create Your Own Geo Redirect Rules

Geo Redirect makes it easy to create your first redirect in just a few minutes:

  • Choose your redirection rule(s) - you can combine targeting specific geolocations with other rules like a user's logged-in status, their device, referring URLs, and lots more.
  • Enter your destination URL - you can redirect visitors to a static internal or external link. Or, you can add placeholders to create dynamic destination URLs.
  • Customize your redirect - you can only redirect visitors one time per session, use different redirect codes, whitelist IP addresses, and more.

Keep reading to learn more about how Geo Redirect works.

Example Use Cases

- Use localized landing pages to increase your conversion rates.

- Send people to the same content in their local language on a multilingual site.

- Send people to products that they're eligible for (and avoid the frustration of sending them to products that aren't available to them).

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Features that you will love


Redirect based on geo location

You can target as broad or narrow areas as needed. Geo Redirect supports redirecting users by:

  • Country
  • State
  • City
  • Zip Code
  • Radius
redirect rules

Use Non-Geo Rules, Too!

You can also combine your geo rules with other conditions for better targeting. You can mix-and-match other conditions such as a user's logged-in status, device, referrer, target query string, and more.

Want to only redirect logged-in users browsing on a smartphone in Germany? You can do that!

redirect options

Customize Your Redirects

Get advanced options to control how each redirect functions:

  • Execute a redirect every time or only once per visitor/browsing session
  • Use different redirect codes (default is 302)
  • Exclude search engines from being redirected
  • Pass query strings in your redirects

Create Geographic Regions to Save Time

To help you save time, Geo Redirect lets you create custom regions that contain multiple geographic areas. You can then quickly reuse these regions when creating redirects.

unlimited redirects

Create Unlimited Redirects

Geo Redirect lets you create unlimited redirect rules. You can also easily activate/deactivate rules as needed.

Detect Users' Real Locations No Matter What

Geo Redirect is built to detect users' actual locations no matter what. Even if you're using Cloudflare, Sucuri, Akamai, or other similar tools, Geo Redirect can still detect a user's real IP address and location. For mobile users, Geo Redirect can also detect GPS location for even more pinpoint accuracy.

More Features for Redirects based on location

Mix-and-Match Rules As Needed

You can mix-and-match all of the redirect conditions as needed. You can use both AND rules (all conditions must be met) and OR rules (only one condition/group of conditions needs to be met).

Use Include/Exclude Rules for Pinpoint Targeting

Geo Redirect lets you harness geolocation in both directions with both include and exclude rules. That is, you can redirect all users in a specific area or you can redirect the entire world except for visitors in that specific area.

Create Dynamic Destination URLs With Placeholders

Geo Redirect lets you redirect users to a static internal or external destination URL. Or, for more flexibility, you can also use placeholders in your redirects to create dynamic destination URLs based on a visitor's language-code or requested URL.


Can I create dynamic destination URLs?

Yes! Geo Redirect gives you five placeholders that you can include to create dynamic destination URLs based on a visitor's location or the content that they requested:

  • {{country_code}} Two letter iso code
  • {{state_code}} Two letter state code
  • {{zip}} Zip code
  • {{requested_uri}} Original requested url. Eg:
  • {{requested_path}} Original requested path. Eg: geo-redirects
  • {{last_path}} Last path in url. Eg: => redirect1
Will Geo Redirect work with my caching plugin?

Yes! Geo Redirect is compatible with WordPress caching plugins or server-level caching from your host.

However, some of the individual non-geo rules will not work with page caching - these are marked with an asterisk in the interface. The geotargeting rules themselves are compatible with caching, though.

Will Geo Redirect affect SEO?

No, Geo Redirect will not negatively affect your SEO efforts. In fact, Geo Redirect gives you the option to exclude crawlers (like Google) from redirects if you'd prefer.

Can I redirect to the same page in a different language?

Yes! First, Geo Redirect lets you automatically insert the two-letter language code of a visitor's location in the redirect structure. You can read this guide to learn more.

Second, Geo Redirect also integrates with WPML slug translation. So if you're using WPML, you can automatically redirect to pages with the translated URL slug.

Does every redirect count as a request (for billing)?

Not necessarily - Geo Redirect evaluates the geo rules at the end. So if a user has already been rejected by a redirect condition that doesn't involve geotargeting rules, they would not count as a request.

For example, let's say you have two redirect conditions that must be met:

  • The user is logged in
  • The user is located in Germany

If a visitor is not logged in, that would not count as a request because that visitor already failed the first condition (logged-in status) so there's no need to use the geo rule.

Can I use Geo Redirect for affiliate links?

If you want to geotarget your affiliate links, we have a plugin dedicated to just that! Check out Geo Links.

Check out our WordPress geolocation solutions
to find out everything you can do!

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